
Where the Money Goes




Lottery profits benefit K-12 public education

Maybe you’ve heard it before: The Virginia Lottery – it’s good fun for a great cause. But what exactly is that cause? It’s K-12 public education in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and, since 1999, the Virginia Lottery has turned over nearly $10 billion in proceeds to the Department of Education!

Earlier this summer, the Virginia Lottery, Governor Ralph Northam and Secretary of Education Atif Qarni had a big announcement. Thanks to record sales in FY19, the Lottery is turning over a record amount of nearly $650 million to Virginia’s public schools.

We’re excited about that figure, but it’s important to keep in mind that, in total, that figure accounts for about 10% of the Department of Education’s total budget. It still makes a difference through funding programs such as career and technical education, class-size reduction, the Virginia preschool initiative, school breakfasts, English as a Second Language (ESL) and early reading intervention.

These programs and more are funded through the Lottery Proceeds Fund, which was established by voters in 1999. See below for more information about how it all works, and visit our Giving Back page to see what your locality received in FY19!





How Does It All work?

Keep reading to follow your dollar’s journey from point of sale to your local schools.




One play at a time, you contribute to Virginia's future and help the Lottery live its mission.



Lottery Proceeds Fund

The Lottery deposits 100% of profits from the sale of tickets to the Lottery Proceeds Fund, which is designated by the Virginia Constitution to support local public education across Virginia.



Virginia Department of Education

VDOE distributes all education funding, including the Lottery Proceeds Fund dollars, to school divisions across Virginia. Distribution is based on the approved state budget and is based on factors that include student enrollment and prioritized programs.



Virginia's Public School Divisions

Each school division allocates funds to its schools. Interested in what’s happening at a school near you? Find the current list of prioritized programs and the latest amounts contributed to your school division.



Your Public Schools



Statewide Budgeting

Since 1999, the Lottery has contributed more than $9 billion to K-12 public education and funded a variety of programs prioritized by the Governor and General Assembly.

Every year, the Governor and General Assembly reevaluate, select and prioritize the educational programs funded with Lottery profits.

The exact distribution percentage for each program is reassessed on an annual basis to ensure funding is allocated based on Virginia’s latest needs.

Last updated 9/5/19

Giving Back to Virginia Public Schools


Total Virginia Lottery profits generated for Virginia's K-12 public schools since 1999.

Take a look